Hello Kitty taser an elegant weapon for a less civilized age

Play him off to hell, Kitty Cat.

(Credit: Hello Kitty Hell)

This Hello Kitty Taser Gun was brought to my attention by Hello Kitty Hell, a blog with the tagline, "One Man's Life With Cute Overload." This poor man's online existence has been reduced to his hatred of a tiny cartoon cat, and who could blame him? The existence of this Hello Kitty taser gun makes me want to open it up and point it at my head.

You have to question the intentions of these designers...is the gun supposed to make little girls less fearful about attacking their in-store competition? Maybe it's meant to fool criminals into thinking their victims are unarmed, only to be met with 50,000 volts of adorable electricity. The device is a custom version of the Taser C2, a unique weapon that uses "propelled wires to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system." The gun can shoot out 15 feet of insulated conductive wire, but it can also be used as a direct contact stun device. Double the fun!

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