See-through bathtub pulls out all the stops

(Credit: Gruppo Treessee)
(Credit: Gruppo Treessee)

It's not often one calls a bathtub sexy. But Gruppo Treessee's unconventional see-through affair is jawdroppingly slinky, the kind you want to luxuriate in for some personal time.

You know it's going to hurt in the pocket when the site doesn't list the prices upfront. Still, you're not just indulging in designer ware. Besides the see-through plate glass panels and spacious enclosure, there's a hydromassage built-in for a hydrothermal spa anytime you want to work out those kinks in your mouse arm or tense shoulders.

Not to mention, of course, the latest in bathroom relaxation--color therapy radio and audio jacks for your iPod or CD player. Girl not included.

(Source: Crave Asia via

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