updated: 9/1 As expected, Canon announced the 7D, and all the rumor info turned out to be correct. I've added some more details below.
There's enough seemingly reliable information floating around the Internets to guess that Canon plans to announce the long-rumored EOS 7D any day now. For those willing to slog through it, Canon Rumors offers up a difficult-to-parse Google Translate version of a Chinese press release from which everyone's painstakingly pulled the basic specs. (I'll update this post when the camera's officially announced; consensus has that happening on September 1, though it's not clear which continent that refers to, so it might be September 2 here in the U.S.)
Rather than an inexpensive but full-frame version of the 5D Mark II, the 7D looks to be a direct competitor for the Nikon D300s--and it's about time. Canon basically ceded the entry-level pro performance market to Nikon in 2005 with the arrival of the D200; since then, Canon's 30D, 40D, and 50D have taken the slower but less expensive road, with a relatively stagnant AF system, that Nikon leapfrogged. But with entirely new AF and metering systems, a new high-resolution (and seemingly low-noise) 8-channel readout sensor coupled with dual Digic 4 image processors and a new 100-percent coverage viewfinder, plus 1080p video capture, the 7D looks like an aggressive attempt to make a comeback.
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